Customer Feedback

How to collect and manage customer feedback like a pro

4 ways to make your user feedback tool more accessible to customers

4 ways to make your user feedback tool more accessible to customers

If it’s inconvenient for your users to give feedback on your product, you won’t be hearing from them. Here’s how to make it easy for your customers to share their feedback.

Best of 2020: Our top articles on customer feedback, roadmapping, and SaaS

Best of 2020: Our top articles on customer feedback, roadmapping, and SaaS

Our top articles of 2020 on customer feedback, roadmapping, startup behind-the-scenes, and lessons learned while bootstrapping SaaS.

Supercharging customer feedback: when to ask for referrals

Supercharging customer feedback: when to ask for referrals

A solid referral marketing program is more than just asking users to say nice things about your product. Here’s how to ask for referrals based on user feedback.

What happens if you ignore user feedback?

What happens if you ignore user feedback?

If you ignore user feedback, your users will think you don’t care about them. This doesn’t mean saying yes to every request—but it does mean taking action.

Increasing customer loyalty by collecting feedback

Increasing customer loyalty by collecting feedback

Churn isn’t always preventable. But, you can increase customer loyalty by listening to what your customers have to say—and acting on customer feedback.

Encouraging dissent: Why negative feedback is valuable

Encouraging dissent: Why negative feedback is valuable

Negative feedback is actually something to look forward to. It gives you a cold, hard dose of reality. Here’s how to handle dissenting, negative feedback from customers, and how your product can benefit from it.

The best way to collect user feedback

The best way to collect user feedback

Most companies do feedback wrong. It’s demoralizing to users and creates tons of extra work for you. The best way to collect user feedback? Let your users submit and vote on feature requests.

Understanding customer feedback: why it matters who is saying what

Understanding customer feedback: why it matters who is saying what

The key to understanding customer feedback? Knowing which customers are giving it. Here’s why it’s important to track where your feedback is coming from.

How to ask the right customer feedback questions

How to ask the right customer feedback questions

Are you asking your customers to give feedback on your product, and leaving it at that? If so, you’re missing out on valuable information. Collecting this type of customer feedback a good starting point—but it’s important to ask the right customer feedback questions.

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