Building SaaS

From brand building to pricing, here are all things SaaS

6 customer onboarding strategies to make a good impression

6 customer onboarding strategies to make a good impression

Are you looking for a way to engage your customers and build long-lasting relationships? User onboarding is the answer. Let’s dive into the customer onboarding process.

Canny cottage near Toronto: post-retreat reflections

Canny cottage near Toronto: post-retreat reflections

Let’s go behind the scenes of our latest team retreat near Toronto. We’ll tell you all about the planning, execution, and lessons we learned from this experience.

Bug vs feature: what’s the difference? (guide + examples)

Bug vs feature: what’s the difference? (guide + examples)

Understanding the difference between a bug and a feature can be tricky. Sometimes what starts as a bug report can turn into a great new feature. Here’s how to spot the difference and get organized.

Canny for B2B companies

Canny for B2B companies

We’re exploring how Canny can help your business thrive, especially in the B2B context.

How to handle productivity guilt as a SaaS founder

How to handle productivity guilt as a SaaS founder

Startup founders are built to doubt themselves. So here are a few tips on how to handle productivity guilt and regain your confidence.

5 SEO metrics that really matter for a SaaS business

5 SEO metrics that really matter for a SaaS business

How do you drown out the noise and only focus on what matters in SEO? Here are five important SEO metrics that every SaaS business needs to track.

Your complete guide to SaaS SEO

Your complete guide to SaaS SEO

In this post we dive into building a SaaS SEO strategy that will drive organic traffic and generate subscriptions. Written by Tomasz Niezgoda of SurferSEO, it’s full of expert advice and actionable tips.

Canny is now SOC 2 type II compliant

Canny is now SOC 2 type II compliant

We take our customers’ data security very seriously. That’s why we’ve become SOC 2 type 2 compliant. Check out this post for a look at what this rigorous audit entails, and how it benefits our customers.

Introducing Product Chats, a new podcast from Canny

Introducing Product Chats, a new podcast from Canny

One of Canny’s main goals is to help people build better products. To support that, we’re launching our new podcast, Product Chats. It features expert product leaders sharing their best product advice. Check out this post for a sneak peek.

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